The map shows where the region is situated in Spain. Selected municipalities located within the province of Cáceres, which is a part of the autonomous region of Extremadura located in western Spain. It is known for its agricultural activities, including the cultivation of cereals, olives, grapes, and various fruits. But is also an important region for livestock farming.
Calzadilla, Casas de Don Gómez, Casillas de Coria, Coria, Gata, Guijo de Coria, Guijo de Galisteo, Holguera, Huélaga, Montehermoso, Moraleja, Morcillo, Pescueza, Portaje, Riolobos, Torrejoncillo. 16 of 223 municipalities.

Parts of Extremadura
Focus when it comes to biophysical constraints in the Spanish use case is the soil organic matter of the fields, followed by low pH and organic matter. Precipitation and temperature are secondary factors.
The marginal land surveyed at the regional scale was corn fields with a yield lower than 12 tonnes ww/ha (14% water content). Currently, continuous corn cultivation is common, but introducing kenaf and hemp into the crop rotation can diversify it. This change aims to enhance organic matter in the soil. The emphasis is on irrigated land, where industrial crops can reduce irrigation needs and increase soil organic matter. These crops must thrive in high temperatures and low precipitation.

Finca La Orden-Valdesequera
In 2023, 0,1 hectares of hemp and kenaf will be cultivated alongside traditional crops like tomatoes, maize, and peppers. This crop rotation strategy aims to reduce irrigation requirements, boost soil organic matter, and enhance overall crop yields.
Socioeconomic factors

Low economic activity density – The region faces high unemployment rates and a low GDP.

Market challenge – Lack of established demand and limited processing and marketing infrastructure for the end products from the use case.