Argentinean use case (saline soils)
The Argentinian use case focuses on the Pampas region which in general is characterized by large plains with flat terrain and is primarily used for cereal production. But the use case focuses on the areas of the Pampas that are less suitable for agriculture, due to flooding and waterlogging and salinity and alkalinity. The main biophysical constraint in the use case is salinization.

South African use case (Invasive Plants)
In the South African use case, the definition of marginal land is based on areas that have been invaded by invasive trees. These invasive trees pose challenges for agriculture, particularly in terms of water management, affecting grazing areas and a threat for the biodiversity in the area. The focus is on clearing the land from these trees, and there is potential to utilize the biomass obtained from the clearing process. Example of socioeconomic factors that are of relevance to the use case are conflicts over resource use and access costs that undermines financial feasibility.